Falling Through The Universe

Role: Chief Technician

A staging of “The Dead” by James Joyce: framed in a personal memoir.

Can a book really change your life?

On a Winter’s evening in 1982, a young Irish emigrant sits in a Munich tavern reading a collection of stories. The course of his life is changed The book is “Dubliners”, borrowed that afternoon from a library. The final tale, “The Dead”, is regarded by many as the greatest short story ever written.

Following its tour of the Millbank Theatre (Rush), The Garage Theatre (Monaghan), An Táin Arts Centre (Dundalk), Wexford Arts Centre (Wexford) and Riverbank Arts Centre (Newbridge) and sell out performances at Smock Alley Boys School in January, this “subtle, charming, theatrical” returns again to Smock Alley Main Space in March.


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