Role: Director, Deviser, Designer
“The veil is thinning, its membrane tears. A wound in time, thrashing through they come seething, festering spirits. They have arrived.” ...
National Leprechaun Museum have announced a new immersive Samhain experience - veiled. veiled will take you on an immersive, site specific journey through the Otherworld in Old Mary’s Abbey this Hallowe’en. Guided by a spirit older than the city you will be taken into the darkest Irish tales, the ones long hidden from sight. Something is rotting, it has been festering for a long time. veiled played at St. Mary's Abbey on Capel Street.

Eleanor Walsh
Emily Collins
Deirdre Quinn
Liam Van Laere
Maia Purdue
Created in association with The National Leprechaun Museum
Direction & Design: Al Bellamy
Props: Maia Purdue & Deirdre Quinn
Costume: Emily Collins
Set: Liam Van Laere
Museum Liason and Safety Officer: Eleanor Walsh
Logo Illustration: Sarah Fahey